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Free Books on Video Production from Kindle Unlimited

Examples of What You Can Read for "Free" (60 day free trial)

October 10, 2019

Entrepreneurs who are interested in creating their own videos are constantly searching for information to help them in their creative and business startup quest. After all, you want to do it right. Well, I'm a reader, and if you're like me you want as much information for as little cost as possible.

That's where Amazon's Kindle Unlimited comes in. Many people have a Kindle, and are always looking for content to read. Kindle Unlimited provides downloading up to ten books at a time (which also includes magazines) for a fee of about $10 / month. Read a couple of magazines and books and you've easily paid for that.

Here's a frame grab I took of what popped up when I searched for books dealing with "video production":

That's part of one page out of 50 pages of video production-oriented books!

I've found this service to be incredibly helpful, especially when I'm learning some new arcane skill, like web layout, SEO, animation, course-building, self publishing and many other areas that done come pre-baked into my brain. 

If you're interested in a free trial of Amazon Kindle Unlimited, go here for a no obligation setup. Try it out and see how much you can cram in during your

I've found this service to be incredibly helpful, especially when I'm learning some new arcane skill, like web layout, SEO, animation, course-building, self publishing and many other areas that done come pre-baked into my brain.

If you're interested in a free trial of Amazon Kindle Unlimited, go here for a no obligation setup. Try it out and see how much you can cram in during your 60 free days!

(This site is an Amazon Associates Partner)